The Social Blog and Arrow Icons

Wednesday “Wisdom” – Simplicity & Thought in Web Design

Rarely, if ever, have we “tooted our own horn” in a Wednesday “Wisdom.” But, seeing as we just launched the new TMG website, I figured that it was a good time to give some pointers on web development. The Mac Groups’ Home Page Being the most important page of any website, we took time to […]

Wednesday “Wisdom”: Keep It Original

We are going to talk about originality today, because we’ve run into duplicate content on several occasions and we want to give a good primer on why you should only put original content on your website or other internet marketing outlets. Benevolent Intentions First, though, let’s take a look at some good intentions for duplicate […]

Wednesday “Wisdom”: Remember Things That Annoy You

Back in the 90’s, it was simply cool to have a website, even if the site contained barely any content. In the early New Millennium, everyone basically wanted busy, content and image-heavy sites, with loaded home pages and lots of stuff in general. Probably why some MySpace profiles went this direction: Now, home pages tend […]

K-I-S-S: Keep It Simple…

I tutored English in college. The best advice that I probably gave students was probably that the delete button is the best function on the keyboard. As someone receiving advice, you could take this one of two ways: direct criticism of your ideas or an encouragement to consider simplicity with your language. I meant it […]